Sunday, October 3, 2010

Emmet goes to the hospital (and does an interview)

This weekend Emmet was playing at a friend's house and he got hit in the head with a miniature surfboard. It cut him open just above his right eye. He went to the hospital and got seven stiches. He's doing great (it doesn't hurt anymore), but he can't swim for a week. So he's bummed about that. Here are two pictures.

From October in Bali

From October in Bali
Before the accident I did an interview with him about his thoughts on life in Bali. Here it is:

Question: Okay so here I am with Emmet. Emmet, what do you think of Bali so far?

Emmet: It’s very interesting.. It’s more bio-diverse than Canada. There’s a lot of interesting plants, palm trees. You never see those in Canada.

Question: So that’s the thing you notice the most so far?

Emmet: No that’s not the thing I notice the most. Well the motor bikes, they take up the streets, it’s really geared towards motorbikes. I notice that. I notice a lot of things. And I’m getting used to the monkeys in the parking lot near the monkey forest. Which is weird… I shouldn’t be getting used to that. I’m Canadian.

Question: But what’s your favourite thing so far about being in Bali?

Emmet: The school. Meeting new people.…I like the teachers. It’s pretty multicultural. It’s probably not what they dreamed, which is people from every single nation, or every single big nation. But I have friends from all over now. It’s good I can talk to them on facebook when I leave, email, stay in touch. Yeah maybe the school is what I like the most.

Question: What is something else that you like about Bali?

Emmet: Our house. I like our house. And the people. They’re nice. Learning the language which is fun. I’m getting there. Still at the basics, but the language is really easy.

Question: What about the food? What do you think of the food so far?

Emmet: I like the rice you know. I really like the fried rice. There is four different kinds of rice. I went to a rice field today with my school. They were just growing one type of rice, the new hybrid one. Rice is on every street, everywhere here. But that was the first time I’ve been right up to it.

Question: Okay the so the food is okay would you say?

Emmet: No, the food is pretty good. And there is still western food so it’s not like I’m going to be eating total Indonesian food for a year. Most big restaurants have western food.

Question: And what about the beaches in Bali? Have you been to any beaches? What are your thoughts about the beaches here?

Emmet: We came to Bali and we weren’t obviously like ‘let’s go to Bali for the beaches!’ it was more like let’s go to Bali for the experience. So we are somewhat in the middle of Bali, there’s no beaches. But it’s nice to get to the beaches every weekend or every other weekend.

Question: What’s something you don’t like about Bali?

Emmet: Youtube is really slow here!

1 comment:

  1. Great interview guys :)
    Hope you are okay Emmet!

    Talk to you soon,
